Brunch & Cake UAE - Dajor
Lámparas y luminarias iluminacion cafeteria brunch and cake en abu dabi emiratos arabes. Lamparas de techo y lámparas encastadas de la colección de Luz Vintage. Fabricantes Dajor Iluminacion, expertos en iluminacion y lamparas para locales y restaurantes y hoteles. Lampara de techo vintage con pantalla lampara fabricada a medida. Lampara colgante elegantes flecos pasamaneria. Lampara iluminacion Palmira colección de Luz Vintage expertos iluminacion vintage. Dajor fabricacion lamparas a medida
lamparas, iluminacion, diseño, interiorismo, abu dhabi, dajor, luz vintage
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Brunch & Cake UAE

lampara de techo iluminacion palmira lamapra led colgante elegante lampara de techo fabricacion a medida lamparas a medidas banderola aplique lampara de bola dajor luz vintage lamparas dajor luz vintage
abu dabi, brunch and cake, dajor lighting factory
About This Project

Another of our most international projects is this cafeteria-restaurant located in the the United Arab Emirates. This is Brunch&Cake UAE, from the Brunch&Cake chain, based in Barcelona, these establishments are characterized by their homemade, organic and healthy food based on “grandmother’s” recipes. This new premises in Abu Dhabi has been the work of interior design by Bargo Studio.
With a theme based on the sea and mermaids, cream, pale pink and beige are predominate colours. Behind the counter, at Dajor Lighting Factory we manufacture two pendant lamps with trimmings of the Palmira model from our catalog of Luz Vintage lamps. Manufactured using a metal structure with three rings in an aged brass finish. The trimmings with beige tassels fall elegantly on three levels. It generates a calm and serene atmosphere and produces a very pleasant warm light.
For the toilets, we custom-made light banners with a white opal glass ball that adhered like a wall light. For the bar area, this large inverted umbrella-shaped ceiling lamp, made with a cream-colored fabric lampshade. It produces a warm light to create a very pleasant and calm atmosphere.
Finally, at Dajor, we also manufacture ceiling lights with a simple but elegant design, in harmony with the decoration. These are the Safira ceiling lamps with a vintage design. To decorate, we also supply table lamps with a glass ball and an arch-shaped structure in an aged brass finish. And some large wall sconces with a rope lampshade.