Lighting for La Martinuca
Dajor Iluminación es una empresa ubicada en Tarragona dedicada a la fabricación de iluminación a medida para proyectos de interiorismo, decoración, hoteles y restaurantes. Lámparas a medida de todos los estilos y formas para adaptarlas a tu gusto y decoración de interiores.
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La Martinuca lighting

custom lamps, dajor lighting factory, iluminación, iluminacion a medida, restaurant lighting, restaurante
About This Project

At Dajor Lighting Factory we are in charge of creating the Lighting for La Martinuca. This restaurant located in Madrid is known for its wonderful potato omelette. Specializing in this typical Spanish dish, the establishment is open from Monday to Sunday and is a great and original alternative to many bars or fast food establishments. Their tortilla is the most famous in Madrid and if you are planning to pass through the capital you cannot miss that experience!

For this charming establishment we worked on the design and manufacture of hanging lamps to match the aesthetics of the place. As soon as you enter you will see our dazzling contribution, three hanging lamps above the counter. These three luminaires have a spotlight shape and three very elegant finishes. Among them we have the black of the rope that holds them, gold and a marble effect. This effect combines perfectly with the chromatic range of its surroundings. Our spotlights generate warm light, creating a cozy and comfortable environment, so that customers can enjoy a delicious meal and have a pleasant time.

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